introducing ..

The ANSWERS Accelerator

Transform Doubt, Confusion & Worry into TOTAL Clarity and Certainty as You Unlock the Secrets of Your Intuition in just 3 days!

a breakthrough online experience (that's also FUN) with Renowned Intuitive and Spiritual Expert Nancy Rebecca

LIVE ONLINE | June 5-7, 5-6pm PST

Life-changer #1
You'll release depression, anxiety, stress and fear.
Did you know that when you're feeling any of these struggles, it's your body signaling you to listen up, your spirit is attempting to tell you something? Kind of like when your phone dings to let you know a new email or text message has just arrived. I teach you my simple framework to know EXACTLY what these messages are telling you - so you can finally get unstuck.

Life-changer #2
You'll transform doubt into clarity.
Your Voice of Doubt screams at you the loudest when you're closest to the truth, causing you to feel paralyzed. If you don't know how to move through this, you're at risk of spending years of your life in inaction!

In this teaching you will learn how to dial down the doubt volume and dial up the clarity and truth volume to know beyond a shadow of a doubt you can trust your intuitive instincts.  

Life-changer #3

You'll be able to finally trust and live your truth. You are significant and have unlimited wisdom inside of you. You'll learn how to connect with YOUR truth in mere moments and be empowered to follow what is true and right for you - which is essential if you want to feel happy and thrive in life.

Ultimately, you'll walk away with the tools you need to tap into your intuition in an instant - so you can get the answers you need when you need them most.

Yes, I'm ready!

Hi, I'm Nancy

I have been teaching intuitive/psychic development for 20+ years full time.  I retired from my hospital nursing career after a spontaneous ‘out of body’ experience that left me suddenly clairvoyantly sighted!  Meaning, I could see energy fields.  

Curious about these abilities that just dropped into my lap, I began to wonder if others had these abilities too?  Now, after teaching thousands of people around the world, I've created solid intuitive/psychic teaching systems that support your success - no matter what your intuitive style might be.  Creating a safe and fun learning environment is part of the key ingredient.  Then adding your own willingness to simply explore and experience the techniques is the next ingredient for expansive learning.  

I know the intuitive/psychic world is real.  I also know that it is not just for a few special people who were born gifted.  This is a Divine-given ability that we all are born with to help us spiritually navigate the chaotic world we live in

In The Answers Accelerator, you'll learn to quickly unlock the secrets of your intuition - so you can transform doubt, worry and stress into total clarity and certainty.

Can't wait to meet you!

Nancy Rebecca 

It’s hard to put into words the blessing that Nancy is to this planet. Only those fortunate enough to be her student, or to have received a reading/healing from her, can truly understand. I continue to marvel at her uncanny accuracy and unparalleled ability to clear what is causing confusion or harm and to provide counsel around what is needed to keep the healing moving forward.

— Kristen T.

So, it's decision time...

Are you ready to transform doubt, confusion and worry into total clarity and confidence?

Or, will you continue with the same old struggles?

Now is the time to take back your power!

Sign up now - FREE

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this workshop right for me?

Intuition will help you in all areas of your life - from your career and relationships to you happiness and health. So, if you want more fulfillment and success in any area, this workshop is right for you. We always have participants from a variety of industries and professions as well.

Should I attend this workshop even if I do not believe I have a psychic bone in my body?

Absolutely yes!  This workshop will bring 20+ years of teaching others how to tap into their own intuitive/psychic ability.  We all need to start this journey somewhere; it might as well be here.  

What if I am a shy introvert?  

This workshop will be virtually live through the Zoom program.  You have the option to remain mute, have your video off and simply listen.  You will never be called on to participate but if you raise your hand, I am happy to mentor you through your questions to gain greater confidence in what you are experiencing.  

What if I am feeling nervous or scared to open to my abilities?  

It is natural and in fact important to listen to the signals of your body.  Your body always wants to remain in its comfort zone.  Often your human self simply loves good old reliable routines and traditions.  The human mind has been in control of your decision-making ability your entire life.  Then when you make the decision to step into your spiritual abilities, it is normal for the body to kind of freak out a little bit.  Yet, the moment your spirit climbs into the driver’s seat of your life, everything calms, because your body feels safer knowing your spirit has your back.  Your life begins to fall into place.  

Will I be practicing what I learn in the class?  

You will have an opportunity to break out into partner groups to practice what you learn.  Your partner is learning too, providing an opportunity for you both to support each other.  Please know, all activities are optional.  Remember this is a chance to play with skills, not create more pressure.  We have enough of that in life right now.

What's the workshop schedule?

January 6th, 2024  Saturday (4 hrs total)

10a-12:00pm pst/1-3:00p est  (5 minute break in between)

12:00pm-1pm/3pm-4pm = Lunch Break

1-3p pst/4-6p est (5 minute break in between)

Please arrive 10 minutes before the workshop starts to settle yourself. 

Is there a refund policy?

If you’re not satisfied with the workshop after the first hour, you can email us to request a full refund.

What if I have questions or need support?

Please go here to email us. We're happy to help!