introducing the...

Blue Light


Take a COSMIC LEAP to your BEST SELF and MOST FULFILLING LIFE in just 30 daysno matter what's happening in your life right now and in the world around you.

a transformational experience with spiritual teacher and intuitive Nancy Rebecca

Say no more - I'm Ready!

Finally put an end to feeling powerless.

Right now, the amount of noise and stress in the world is greater than ever before... and with uncertainty rising, it's harder than ever before to create the fulfilling, peaceful life you crave.

Remember how 2024 was supposed to be your comeback year? You made it through the pandemic and post-pandemic stressors - and were ready to chase your dreams and spiritual growth. Instead, you've been almost sidelined with obstacles, uncertainty and "stuck" energy, making it nearly impossible to move forward.

Let's be real though...

Even during "normal" times, life can be a rollercoaster.

Trying to rise above the chaos, negativity, and competing energies has become a daily battle, especially when you’re an empath who absorbs the world's energies deeply.

You're not one to sit back and let life happen to you, so you're doing your best to persist.

You start your day with the best intentions. Maybe you do your affirmations or even sneak in a quick meditation, but then BAM....

the negativity, the naysayers, and the general blahs of the world start to chip away at you.

By mid-day, you’re giving yourself a pep talk, only to end up feeling drained by the evening.

The cycle is exhausting, right?!

The constant emotional, spiritual, and physical toll it takes on you is monumental. And just plain WRONG!

"Why can't I move forward?" you wonder.

"Why does everything feel so heavy?"

Your environment and the people around you influence your emotional, spiritual, and physical state, creating a vicious cycle of struggle and stagnation.

Each day feels like a missed opportunity, a precious moment lost forever. Your dreams, relationships, health, and happiness are all at stake, and the weight of it all is almost too much to bear.

But what if I told you it doesn't have to be this way? What if you could finally put an end to feeling powerless - and rise ABOVE the chaos?

Starting October 17th and extending through November, a rare and powerful Blue Light Wave that will surge through humanity. This isn't just another astrological happening—it's a profound surge of energy designed to elevate our collective consciousness and personal growth.

While so much of the world is stuck in chaos and distraction, these next 30 days offer an opportunity for profound transformation, a chance for you to embrace your own power and take a significant leap toward living your most fulfilling life.

The surge is here—but it’s your decision to access it. If you're ready to be done with feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or held back, this is your moment to act.

I've created a very special 30-day experience to help you tap into ALL the positive momentum waiting for you.

Introducing the
Blue Light Awakening
—a transformational experience, during which you'll take a COSMIC LEAP to your BEST SELF and MOST FULFILLING LIFE, no matter what's happening in your life right now or in the world around you.


It’s hard to put into words the blessing that Nancy is to this planet. Only those fortunate enough to be her student, or to have received a reading/healing from her, can truly understand. I continue to marvel at her uncanny accuracy and unparalleled ability to clear what is causing confusion or harm and to provide counsel around what is needed to keep the healing moving forward.

— Kristen T.

Hi, I'm Nancy!

Welcome! You didn't arrive on this page by chance.

I've been teaching intuitive/psychic development for 20+ years full time.  I retired from my hospital nursing career after a spontaneous ‘out of body’ experience that left me suddenly clairvoyantly sighted!  Meaning, I could see energy fields.  

Imagine my surprise, when an unusual visitation of 12 tall thin opalescent Blue Beings of Light appeared to me with a message: We are known on your earth as coming from the “dog star” which is the Orion Constellation, the planet Sirius. The Supreme Wise Creator has asked us to assist humanity during this great time of expanded awakening on earth. There have been dormant galactic light codes within you. These codes are being activated which will enable you and all of humanity to expand understanding, resolve challenges, and understand quantum frequencies. Compassionate understanding will soon reign.

I've now been connecting with the Blue Light Beings for many years, and they recently nudged me to create this experience for you - to help you rise above everything that's happening in the world and expand into pure consciousness - so you can live your best life.

Please note: You don't need to believe in celestial beings for this to experience to work for you. You just have to want to create a shift in your life and be ready to ENJOY your time with us!

Can't wait to connect more with you!

Nancy Rebecca 

Yes, I'm Ready!

Here's a Peek into Your
Blue Light Awakening

Blue Light Awakening - Session 1

 Live Workshop via ZOOM~ October 19, 10- 11:30am PT/ 1-2:30pm ET/ 6-7:30pm London

 If you can't make it, no worries. The recording will be made available within 1 business day.

We kick of your awakening with a fun and enlightening experiential session. You'll ride the wave of pure consciounsess as I share with you the information that is coming from the Blue Light Beings from the furthest reaches of the universe.


  • Experience a preparation meditation, as I voice guide you through sparkles of light and awareness.
  • Gain insights from your higher self that you need for this awakening.
  • Release any fear or anxiety your body may have about change - as I lead the group through a healing.

We will finish up with a question/answer time.   

Sacred Light Code Expansion
EXPAND your spirit consciousness and unlock your LIMITLESS potential as you connect with the potent light codes that match your EXACT NEED and frequency! Through this unique ritual and audio process, you'll tap into all the knowledge and guidance you need to level up in any and all areas of your life.

Awakening Almanac

Connect with your higher self like never before through this unique experiential and fun guidebook. You'll also use this to record the insights you get throughout this experience - so you can refer back to it at any time.

High Vibe Support through our Private Community

You'll make connections with like-minded high-vibe participants who will help you raise your consciousness even more - and hold the vision for you even when you doubt it. This includes access to me, Nancy, and my team!

Blue Light Awakening ~ Session 2

Live Workshop via ZOOM~ October 26, 10- 11:30am PT/ 1-2:30pm ET/ 6-7:30pm London

 If you can't make it, no worries. The recording will be made available within 1 business day.

In this session, I help YOU tap into the power of pure consciousness. You'll learn to connect with cosmic energy - and even the Blue Light Beings if you choose - and get important information that will help you easily release the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, lies, and negative energies that are dragging down your aura and keeping you stuck in limited ways of being.

Divination Mapping to Direct Your Destiny

During this profoundly transformative metaphysical map exercise, you'll connect with the the cosmos to unlock deep insights into your subconsciousness and identify important decision points that will guide you toward you destiny. You'll walk away in a state of BEING - you won't have any more questions because you'll have unshakable certainty.

Destiny Design:
Tap into Your Spirit Power
with Sacred Geometry

Get ready to tap into your innate spiritual power!
In this sacred geometry exercise, you’ll connect into the ancient Egyptian spirit science of sacred geometry, which will help you easily and effortless direct your own destiny.

Blue Light Awakening ~ Session 3

Live Workshop via ZOOM~ November 2, 10- 11:30am PT/ 1-2:30pm ET/ 6-7:30pm London

 If you can't make it, no worries. The recording will be made available within 1 business day.

A Psychic Group Reading, where the Star Beings come in and give a healing on the different layers of their aura.  Star Beings work fast and people experience an enormous healing.  Your take away light code from this event that will assist you to integrate higher frequencies.  

Photonic Light Elixar Experience
Photonic Light Elixir, known as galactic blue plasma light, is the light of pure MAGIC, TRUTH and high intelligence. Through this experience, you'll immerse yourself into it and expand beyond any hidden limits that are still holding you back.

Living in the Light

During this fun experience, you'll visit an Egyptian chamber with a guide to discover what needs to be revealed to you if you want to live in the light of pure consciousness, protection, trust and certainty. You'll also experience your name in light codes - so you can tap into this energy anytime, anywhere and in mere seconds.

Blue Light Awakening ~ Session 4

Live Workshop via ZOOM~ November 9, 10- 11:30am PT/ 1-2:30pm ET/ 6-7:30pm London

 If you can't make it, no worries. The recording will be made available within 1 business day.

We finish our Blue Light Awakening with live group coaching and integration. I walk you through sending your energy even further into the cosmos - so you can partner with higher consciousness to co-create your BEST destiny.


- experience a harmonizing meditation

- discuss your experience with break out groups (if you choose)

- have the chance to get more insights from me as I take questions from participants


You have the option to add on an incredible VIP experience with even more support, which includes

  • TWO additional Blue Light Sessions - one November 23 (includes Gathering Meditation to welcome in the Age Aquarius) and one December 7 (includes the Astral Light Meditation - Enhancing the Blue Light Frequency of Truth - which will help you tap into the Dream World).

    Both of these will include exclusive coaching and break out rooms with exercises designed to keep your vibration HIGH and positive- while so much of the world is in confusion. Both of these will take place via
    ZOOM at 10- 11:30am PT/ 1-2:30pm ET/ 6-7:30pm London.
  • Access to my Winter Solstice Group Reading and Healing ~ The Miraculous Star of Prophecy~ Live via on Zoom December 21, 2024 - where you'll get psychic insights and healing.
  • Solstice VIP Experience, which includes an expansive library of meditations, exercises and psychic readings that will help you leave the struggles of the past years in the dust and take charge of 2025.

Don't miss your chance to take charge of your consciousness and destiny!

Here's a Recap of Everything You Get...

It's hard to assign value to a month-long experience like this.

After all, how can you put a price on the positive benefits that come when you tap into the energy of the cosmos? 

But, let's do the math... 

4 Blue Light Awakening LIVE Sessions and Readings... $2997 value
Sacred Light Code Expansion. …. $77 value

Awakening Almanac ... $77 value

Private 'High Vibe' Group... $77 value

Divination Mapping Experience... $77 value

Destiny Design through Sacred Geometry … $77 value

Platonic Light Experience Elixar … $77 value

VIP Experience … $297 value

Insights that will enable you to live your best life - no matter what's happening around you… priceless

 Total Value: $3899

Blue Light Awakening

  • 4 Blue Light Awakening Sessions
  • 30 Day Experience and High Vibe Support
  • Awakening Almanac
  • Immersions and Exercises
  • Bonus Blue Light experiential sessions in late Nov and early December - which means you have high vibe support for the next three months!
  • Winter Solstice Group Reading and Healing
  • Winter Solstice Meditation Library and Readings to Help you Take charge of 2025

    Today only:
    $397 $297

Blue Light Awakening VIP

  • 4 Blue Light Awakening Sessions
  • 30 Day Experience and High Vibe Support
  • Awakening Almanac
  • Immersions and Exercises
  • Bonus Blue Light experiential sessions in late Nov and early December - which means you have high vibe support for the next three months!
  • Winter Solstice Group Reading and Healing
  • Winter Solstice Meditation Library and Readings to Help you Take charge of 2025

    Today only:
    $597 $497

Blue Light Awakening VIP - 3 low payments

  • 4 Blue Light Awakening Sessions
  • 30 Day Experience and High Vibe Support
  • Awakening Almanac
  • Immersions and Exercises
  • Bonus Blue Light experiential sessions in late Nov and early December - which means you have high vibe support for the next three months!
  • Winter Solstice Group Reading and Healing
  • Winter Solstice Meditation Library and Readings to Help you Take charge of 2025

    Today only:
    $597 $497
    3 low payments of
Sign me up

I'm so confident you be love being part of the Blue Light Awakening and it will support your personal and spiritual growth if you do the work. That's why I'm offering a risk-free guarantee.

Here's how it works: Sign up now and join me for the first live session on October 19 weeks. If you're not happy with your experience, you can request a full refund. All we ask is that you attend the live session, complete the homework assigned. and participate in the private Facebook group. If you do this and find the material doesn't support you in any way, we'll gladly refund your tuition.

"But can't I just watch your YouTube Videos?"

My YouTube videos are a great place to start. But, this experience is light years BEYOND what you'll get in those.

When you're in a group experience, you tap into a greater potential for change and healing that is way beyond what you're able to heal on your own. With everyone synchronizing their energy frequencies simultaneously, the transformative power becomes exponential. You won't get the same positive benefits if you're on your own.

There's also profound sense of comfort in sharing this experience with others who resonate with your journey. You're not alone in your quest for balance and harmony.

Throughout the month-long experience, you'll be expertly guided, allowing you to relax and fully immerse yourself in the transformation process - something you can't fully do on your own. Even if you arrive feeling unsettled, you'll leave with a deep sense of peace and inner tranquility.


The Results People Get Speak for Themselves...

Nancy is a master at guiding meditations... Going through all the layers of my own Auric field during the group reading was an incredible, self-healing journey. I always feel deep shifts after attending one of these events.

- Leeann R.

I've been in Nancy's group readings over the last few years and really enjoy the healing and insights that come through when connected with a group on an Equinox or Solstice. Nancy is very, very good at guiding the group through the energies...and these energies that come through are most welcome and most healing....There was definitely healing within the group and in my own personal experiences this past session.

- Verna B.

All the reading and mentoring sessions I have received have been impeccable and transformative. I will be forever grateful to IM.

- Lucia B.

So, it's decision time...

Don't let unpredictability and fear dictate your path. You deserve more.

If you’re feeling called for more ease, joy, clarity and peace in your life, this is your moment.

Waiting would mean missing out on this specific cosmic energy and the profound shifts it can bring. The timing of this experience is intentional and aligned with divine cosmic forces. If you want to harness the full power of this wave and rise above the chaos of the world, there’s no better time to act than now.

Don’t let uncertainty hold you back from stepping into your next level of transformation.

Your best self is waiting.

Join the Blue Light Awakening now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have spiritual knowledge, or experience with meditation or the Blue Light to benefit from and enjoy this experience?

No is the short answer. I guide you through the process. Likewise, you don't need to believe in celestial beings for this to experience to work for you. You just have to want to create a shift in your life and be ready to ENJOY your time with us!

What if I have never meditated before?

No previous experience with meditation required to experience great healing benefits.

What if I fall asleep during the immersions and do not hear Nancy’s voice guidance?
Great question. About 25% of attendees fall asleep. This is so that your spirit can move you out of consciousness so that you can receive a deeper healing experience. Plus, all the sessions are recorded so you can replay to hear what you might have missed.

How should I prepare for it?
Your spirit knows your dreams and desires and will consider those when helping you to shift what energy you need to shift. However, you can also journal about your intentions for your awakening.

What if I can't visualize?

Then your other intuitive senses will kick in such as feeling, hearing and knowing. Be open to the possibility that can come from being in the group energy.

Is there a refund policy?

If you’re not satisfied with the experience after the first live session, you can email us to request a full refund. (Please note: You must join the live workshop to receive a refund.)

What if I have questions or need support?

Please go here to email us. We're happy to help!