
The Equinox Acceleration

Group Reading & Guided Healing

Feeling pulled toward transformation but stuck or paralyzed by uncertainty? Here's your chance to leverage the energy of the equinox to achieve the breakthroughs you've been dreaming of.

with Renowned Intuitive and Spiritual Expert Nancy Rebecca



Yes! I'm Ready! 

You know something is off because you can't seem to get unstuck or shake the feeling that there's more for you to do, be and have in this life.

You're trying so hard to move forward in your spiritual growth and life, but it feels like such a struggle. You might sit down to journal or meditate, but soon after you're consumed by thoughts like...

“I wish I could feel more alive and excited about my life.”

“I feel like I’ve lost myself. I don’t even know what I want or who I am anymore.”

“Time is going by so fast.... what if I get left behind?”

“I’m so tired of trying to control everything.”

“I just don’t know how to get out of my own way .”

"I don't like feeling jealous, but I'm frustrated other people seem to have things figured out."

"I should be farther along by now."

Really, it's beyond frustrating.

You're smart and just as deserving as everyone else.

You've put in 1000% effort.

So what gives?!

First, please know you aren't alone in your frustration.

So many people are feeling this way, especially during these unique times. (And if they aren't feeling this way yet, they will be soon.)

With the Equinox fast approaching, the planetary alignments are about to throw all of us into a deep dive of earthly frequencies, only to then sling us back up with higher dimensional light codes.

Since you're more connected, the energies are already impacting you and you’re left wondering if you’re keeping up. The weight of old lies, behavior patterns, insecurities, and doubts can make your energy field feel like a lead balloon.

Fear is no longer the main villain in your life story. Instead, it’s that sneaky twin, uncertainty, and its partner-in-crime, doubt, lurking and making you question if you're getting this whole consciousness journey right.

So, you’re scrambling to tick every box, terrified that you’ll miss the train or be left behind because you didn’t do everything perfectly.

Am I right?

Despite how you might feel, you're actually much farther along than you think.

The pull you're feeling is letting you know that NOW is YOUR time for a breakthrough.

IF you heed the call and leverage the energy around you, you can release all this stuck energy that is keeping you small and emerge standing tall in your POWER and TRUTH - assisted by the cosmos and legions of sacred ancestors that came before you.

As the equinox ushers in a perfect balance between light and dark, it brings with it powerful energies that can help you ignite the unwavering sense of self you need to finally get unstuck and move forward with CERTAINTY.


Equinox Acceleration
Group Reading and Healing,

is your opportunity to get the support and insights you need to fully leverage those energies in your own life.

Yes, I'm Ready!

It’s hard to put into words the blessing that Nancy is to this planet. Only those fortunate enough to be her student, or to have received a reading/healing from her, can truly understand. I continue to marvel at her uncanny accuracy and unparalleled ability to clear what is causing confusion or harm and to provide counsel around what is needed to keep the healing moving forward.

— Kristen T.

The stakes are high...

September 11-15th, there is a deep dive drop into earthly frequencies to catch those grounding threads just in time to capture the upswing into the higher dimensional languages of light codes that are accelerating with the Fall Equinox planetary alignment. 

The Fall Equinox acceleration point does not stop there.  It continues to climb into the month of October, where you can expect to experience another surge of Cosmic Blue Light Surges of Truth.  

Taking part in this Group Reading and Healing during this time will assist you in releasing old lies, behavior patterns, insecurities, doubts, and unworthiness.  Those heavier frequencies can cause your auric energy field to feel like a lead balloon, leaving your second guessing if you really have what it takes to make a difference in your life and the world.  Something tells me you don't want to feel like that. Am I right?

When you take part in this Equinox Acceleration, you'll be able to release those heavy frequencies so the truth of your inner brilliance will shine through.

You'll then be able to step even more deeply into your unshakeable truth during the Blue Light Surges of Truth in October.

As the saying goes...

'Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.'

Your ancient ancestors foresaw this monumental era of transformation tens of thousands of years ago.

They had the wisdom to know the challenges we would face as we live through these times. And they sent their prayers into the future to help us.

Through this very special equinox acceleration, you'll connect with their wisdom, foresight and prayers to help you move forward with ease and clarity.

Whether it was Karmic Law that led us to lose the keys to our destinies and diminish our power, or simply a natural ebb and flow between light and darkness—one thing is clear:

we have returned to a peak of shared consciousness and progress.

"But can't I just observe the Equinox on my own?"

Of course, but you won't get the same positive benefits if you're on your own.

When you're in a group healing, your healing potential skyrockets way beyond what you're able to heal on your own. With everyone synchronizing their energy frequencies simultaneously, the transformative power becomes exponential.

There's also profound sense of comfort in sharing this experience with others who resonate with your journey. You're not alone in your quest for balance and harmony.

Throughout the event, you'll be expertly guided, allowing you to relax and fully immerse yourself in the healing process - something you can't fully do on your own. Even if you arrive feeling unsettled, you'll leave with a deep sense of peace and inner tranquility.

And, if you observe the Equinox on your own, you won't get the insights from the group reading, which will help you shift your energy and create more of what you want in the months ahead.

Hi, I'm Nancy

Welcome! I'm so thrilled you've landed on this page.

I'm particularly excited about this equinox because the energies are all about you standing in YOUR TRUTH!

For over 25 years, I've taught intuitive and psychic development. My journey began after a spontaneous out-of-body experience during my nursing career, which gifted me with clairvoyant sight—I could see energy fields around people and the world.

The Equinox Acceleration is an annual Group Guided Reading and Healing event that has transformed lives for 24 years. When we come together with a single purpose—to release what no longer serves us and embrace energies that uplift our highest potential—amazing things happen.

I can't wait to connect you!

Nancy Rebecca 

What past attendees are saying...

Nancy is a master at guiding meditations... Going through all the layers of my own Auric field during the group reading was an incredible, self-healing journey. I always feel deep shifts after attending one of these events.

- Leeann R.

I've been in Nancy's group readings over the last few years and really enjoy the healing and insights that come through when connected with a group on an Equinox or Solstice. Nancy is very, very good at guiding the group through the energies...and these energies that come through are most welcome and most healing....There was definitely healing within the group and in my own personal experiences this past session.

- Verna B.

All the reading and mentoring sessions I have received have been impeccable and transformative. I will be forever grateful to IM.

- Lucia B.

What is a group reading?

As a clairvoyant, I tune into the high consciousness of the entire group who is in attendance, as well as those who will be tuning in to the replay later.

You as an individual have an energy system of chakras and auras. When you enter into a group relationship, though each of you have a unique energy field, you also share a relationship within the energy system of the group who comes together with intention. This potentiates the healing for all. A family has individual energetic expressions but also share a family energy system. A town, city, state and country that you live in, also has its own energy system expressing patterns, beliefs, dreams and goals. Yet, you are still an individual within that system.

On the day of the group reading, I'll specifically “tune in” to the energetic system of chakras and the aura’s of the group that is in attendance. You see, each person who attends is called by their own spirit to be there. Collectively, everyone comes together to experience this once in a lifetime(s) event.

You'll share an experience that will challenge you to find the words for, yet if you bring your awareness to your life before and after you'll know the impact this healing has had for you.

So, it's decision time...

Will you continue along as things are...

feeling stuck, confused, and anxious...

struggling as you try to control everything?

Or will you say YES to your spirit and reset your energy now....

so you can stand TALL in your TRUTH and move forward with certainty?

Don't miss your chance to take back your power inside

The Equinox Acceleration Group Reading & Healing!


Receive the recording of the group reading and healing within 1 business day.
(You won't have access to the live option on September 22.)

Today Only

$187 $87



September 22, 10-12:30pm PST / 1-3:30pm EST/ 6-8:30 London

(You'll also receive the recording to keep.)

Today Only

$197 $97



Join me LIVE September 22, 10-12:30pm PST / 1-3:30pm EST/ 6-8:30 London

(You'll also receive the recording to keep.)

7 immersive experiences delivered throughout the 30 days following the equinox, during which you'll receive extra support from the cosmos, signs from spirit and psychic insights from your higher self.
($157 value)

2 BONUS channeled meditations to help you clear the lies in your relationship with Mother Earth - and the lies in the relationship between your spirit and the Celestial Creator (GOD) - so you can move forward with more clarity and guidance. ($47 value)

The Equinox Experience workbook, channeled and designed to help you further integrate the energy of the equinox and ignite your TRUTH and CLARITY.
($27 value)

Today Only

$428 $197


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have spiritual knowledge or experience with chakras and auras to be able to enjoy this experience?

No is the short answer. My voice guides you through the process. The group participates by imagining together with me the images, impressions, and messages coming through to heal, balance and harmonize the groups energy.

What if I have never meditated before?

No previous experience with meditation required to experience great healing benefits. My voice guides you through the meditation.

What if I fall asleep and do not hear Nancy’s voice guidance?
Great question. About 25% of attendees fall asleep. This is so that your spirit can move you out of consciousness so that you can receive a deeper healing experience. Plus, the event is recorded so you can replay to hear what you might have missed.

How should I prepare for it?
Your spirit knows your dreams and desires and will consider those when helping you to shift what energy you need to shift. However, you can also journal about your intentions for the coming months. Place list next to you during the group reading. You will want to have a quiet place, removing distractions. Optional: Candles, incense, crystals, stones, or other precious items you wish to be in the energy too.

What if I can't visualize?

Then your other intuitive senses will kick in such as feeling, hearing and knowing. Be open to the possibility that can come from being in the group energy.

Is there a refund policy?

If you’re not satisfied with the workshop after the first 30 minutes, you can email us to request a full refund. (Please note: You must disconnect from the workshop within the first 30 minutes to receive a refund.)

What if I have questions or need support?

Please go here to email us. We're happy to help!