introducing ..

The Sanctuary of Truth

Meditation and Video Lesson

Picture yourself standing strong, unshaken by the chaos around you, finally at peace with your decisions. It's possible with the clarity of universal truth.

In this meditation and video lesson, you'll connect with the Blue Waves of Pure Universal Truth, which will help you easily and effortlessly stand in your power like never before. In particular, you'll:

Connect with clarity of pure universal truth and cut through the lies you hold within you, so you're no longer second guessing all of your decisions can do what is true and right for you - which is essential if you want to feel happy and thrive in life.

Transform doubt into clarity. Your Voice of Doubt screams at you the loudest when you're closest to the truth, causing you to feel paralyzed. If you don't know how to move through this, you're at risk of spending years of your life in inaction!

Easily and quickly release anxiety, stress, depression and fear - so you can finally stand in your power and create positive momentum in your life.

Ultimately, you'll stand in the purest light of truth, free from doubt and filled with unwavering confidence.

Yes, I'm ready!

Hi, I'm Nancy

I have been teaching intuitive/psychic development for 20+ years full time.  I retired from my hospital nursing career after a spontaneous ‘out of body’ experience that left me suddenly clairvoyantly sighted!  Meaning, I could see energy fields.  

Imagine my surprise, when an unusual visitation of 12 tall thin opalescent Blue Beings of Light appeared to me with a message: We are known on your earth as coming from the “dog star” which is the Orion Constellation, the planet Sirius. The Supreme Wise Creator has asked us to assist humanity during this great time of expanded awakening on earth. There have been dormant galactic light codes within you. These codes are being activated which will enable you and all of humanity to expand scientific understanding, resolve mathematical challenges, and understand quantum frequencies. Compassionate understanding will soon reign.

I've now been connecting with the Blue Light Beings for many years and they recently nudged me to share this meditation with you.

I don’t know about you, but I'm constantly asking for more clarity, less doubt, more certainty, and less insecurity when it comes to feeling confident about my next action steps.  

But what if I told you the clarity of pure universal truth will help you cut through the lies you hold within you, so you are no longer second guessing all of your decisions.

It sounds fantastical does’t it?  Yet, what has happened to our lives and our world in the past several years borders on the absurd, ridiculous, outlandish, and unbelievable.  So let's just say, I'm in the mood for some fantastical experiences to come my way. Are you with me? I hope so!

Can't wait to connect with you!

Nancy Rebecca 

So, it's decision time...

Are you ready to transform doubt, confusion and worry into total clarity and confidence?

Or, will you continue with the same old struggles?

Now is the time to take back your power and stand in the


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