Are You Ready

to Let Go to

Move Forward?

Winter Solstice Group Reading and Healing

December 17th, 2023 3-5:30 pm PST/6-8:30pm EST

Embrace the Future:
Bid Farewell to 2023 and
Welcome 2024 with Open Arms!

In the past few months, we've experienced unprecedented energies, transforming our lives and our world at a profound level.

Whether you reside in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, the upcoming Winter Solstice presents a unique opportunity to release, renew, and embrace the monumental changes that have swept the planet.

Why is this moment crucial?

Releasing what no longer serves you creates space, not only within yourself but in the world at large. It brings us closer to the unified consciousness we all aspire to manifest.

As we bid farewell to 2023 and continue to shed old layers, we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities of 2024. What do you envision making space for in your life and the world around you?

The Winter Solstice Group Reading and Healing creates a potent energetic container, enhancing and accelerating the healing process. It empowers you to heal and integrate in ways that would be challenging to achieve on your own.

Are you ready to say YES to letting go?

Register now!

Are you prepared to embrace the shifts of 2023, so you can step into 2024 as a brighter, lighter version of yourself?

Join us in this transformative journey! Embrace the Winter Solstice and unlock your path to a radiant future.

Ascension Symptoms are on the Rise

Ascension Symptoms manifest when the vibrational frequency intensifies, and your physical body is just not ready to integrate them. Alternatively, you can perceive it as your spirit's excitement for your ultimate transformation, while your physical body expresses hesitance.

1. Sleep disturbances, either insufficient or excessive.
2. Vivid, fantastical dreams or distressing nightmares.
3. Headaches, as the mind grapples with surrendering control.
4. Nausea, stemming from the effort to assimilate profound shifts in energy.
5. Mental health challenges, characterized by the sensation of losing one's bearings, wrestling with stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.
6. An overwhelming urgency to affect life changes, coexisting with the struggle to maintain the status quo.

As strange as it may seem, these Ascension Symptoms

signify positive developments!

While they may not feel pleasant, they signify your body's adaptation to transformation. Your physical body is signaling the need for supportive actions, such as adequate hydration, exercise, nourishing sustenance, extended periods of rest, communing with nature, and engaging in meditation.

This is where

The Group Reading comes in...

Why join this transformative online event?

1. Embrace Positive Change:

By joining us, you'll actively participate in this transformation, ensuring that you're on the right path toward personal and global evolution.

2. Clear the Path for a Brighter Future:

Imagine welcoming 2024 with a fresh, open heart and a clear mind, ready to manifest your dreams and intentions.

3. Elevate Unity Consciousness:

Your personal healing journey directly influences the collective, bringing us one step closer to unity and harmony in the world.

4. Magnified Healing:

You’ll be part of a community dedicated to healing and personal growth.

5. Professional Guidance:

Nancy Rebecca has been leading Group Readings for more than 25 years. Her creative vision and connection to spiritual guidance will guide you every step of the way.

You have 2 options to participate -

Option 1: text in this area

1. Participate in the Winter Solstice Group Reading and Healing on 12/17/2023, live via Zoom 3pm PT/6pm ET. Link will be sent.

2. The post event recording of the entire group reading sent to your email so you can replay it as often as you desire. this area

Option 2: text in this area

I would so love to join in every part of this amazing event, but I already have a prior commitment.

The post event recording of the entire group reading sent to your email so you can replay it as often as you desire. It will come to you in three parts.

1. The pre-talk explains the energies and how the group reading works.

2. The post recording of the actual group reading.

3. Q & A where the group shares their individual experiences or asks questions about what they felt, heard, saw, or experienced during the reading.

The Winter Solstice Group Guided Reading and Healing

Is an Annual Event that has been spiritually shifting lives for 23 years. Illuminating just how powerful it can be to bring a large group together, focused on an intention; To release what no longer serves, and refill, restore, and embody those energies that do serve your highest potential for a joy filled life.


Nancy Rebecca, clairvoyant, tunes into the high consciousness of the entire group who is in attendance, as well as includes those tuning in to the replay later.

You as an individual have an energy system of chakras and auras. When you enter into a group relationship, though each of you have a unique energy field, you also share a relationship within the energy system of the group who comes together with intention. This potentiates the healing for all. A family has individual energetic expressions but also share a family energy system. A town, city, state, and country that you live in, also has its own energy system expressing patterns, beliefs, dreams, and goals. Yet, you are still an individual within that system.

On THE afternoon of the group reading, Nancy will specifically “tune in” to the energetic system of aura/chakra system of the group that is in attendance. You see, each person who attends is called by their own spirit to be there. Collectively you all come together to experience this once in a lifetime(s) event. You will share an experience that will challenge you to find the words for, yet if you bring your awareness to your life before and after you will know the impact this healing has had for you.


Nancy is a master at guiding meditations.

She expertly guided our group in mediation with higher wisdom's direction, to places we would’ve never imagined on our own.

Going through all the layers of my own Auric field during the group reading was an incredible, self-healing journey.

I always feel deep shifts after attending one of these events.

It gets better and more powerful each time I attend and this one was the deepest, most profound one yet!

- Leeann R.

I've been in Nancy's group readings over the last few years and really enjoy the healing and insights that come through when connected with a group on an Equinox or Solstice.

Nancy is very, very good at guiding the group through the energies as she voice-guided a meditation.

I've been working with energy work for over 23 years and these energies that come through are most welcome and most healing. Nancy takes the time to go through how it works from her end before the meditation and listens to the participants and their experiences in a safe and healthy manner after the experience.

There was definitely healing within the group and in my own personal experiences this past session.

- Verna B.

My experience in the group reading and healing was first monkey mind, surrender, and doubt when I wasn’t experiencing noticeable shifts as Nancy lead us through the chakras. Then surrender and trust that whatever was to happen in me, was happening.

Sensations were deep, relaxing, and loss of sense of time. Afterwards and since, I have experienced an opening of heart, deep fatigue, wanting to nap every day, and acute awareness of the present moment.

My heart opens to myself and the soft animal of me. Basically awareness! But with a sense of detachment, so that it feels manageable.

My gratitude to Nancy, and to her team for the gifts she brings to me and to our world!

- Judy




1. Do I need to have spiritual knowledge or experience with chakras and auras to be able to enjoy this experience?

No is the short answer. Nancy voice guides you through the process. The group participates by imagining together with Nancy the images, impressions, and messages coming through to heal, balance and harmonize the group’s energy.

2. What if I have never meditated before?

No previous experience with meditation required to experience great healing benefits. Nancy voice guides you through the meditation.

3. What if I fall asleep and do not hear Nancy’s voice guidance?

Great question. About 25% of attendees fall asleep. This is so that your spirit can move you out of consciousness so that you can receive a deeper healing experience. Plus, the event is recorded so you can listen to the replay to hear what you might have missed.

4. How should I prepare for it?

Your spirit knows your dreams and desires and will consider those when helping you to shift what energy you need to shift. However, you can also journal about your intentions for letting go of old structures in your life, and what new ways you wish to expand. Place the list next to you during the group reading. You will want to have a quiet place, removing distractions. Optional: Candles, incense, crystals, stones, or other precious items you wish to be in the energy too.

5. What if I cannot visualize?

Then your other intuitive senses will kick in such as feeling, hearing, and knowing. Be open to the possibility that can come from being in the group energy.

Who is Nancy Rebecca?

Nancy Rebecca, RN, Clairvoyant, had an out of body experience, that in a flash of a moment, opened up her psychic abilities. Nancy describes this moment 28 years ago as becoming… as suddenly sighted. Read her story here.

Nancy devotes her psychic healing skills to helping others understand their own intuitive/psychic abilities, through workshops, programs, Intuitive Mind with Nancy Rebecca YouTube channel and her weekly live You Tube events.

The Live option of this event is now sold out.

But, good news! You may still purchase the recording of event and it will be delivered to your inbox by December 20.

If you do not receive the recording, please check your spam folder. If you still do not receive it, please
contact us.

Get the Recording!